As we review new titles at BookBrowse throughout the year, we also strive to bring you intriguing interviews with our featured authors. Author interviews can provide glimpses of the visions behind books we love, make us excited about reading books, and serve as enjoyable reading experiences in themselves, especially when they unfold as in-depth conversations between interviewers and writers. Below, we highlight just a few of our favorite Q&As with authors whose books we covered in 2024.
Small Rain: A Novel
by Garth Greenwell
Hardcover Sep 2024. 320 pages
Published by Farrar, Straus & Giroux
In an interview with Meghan O’Rourke for The Yale Review, Garth Greenwell ponders how his book Small Rain was inspired by a personal medical crisis in 2020, along with illness in literature, Virginia Woolf, the usefulness of art, and much more.
Colored Television: A Novel
by Danzy Senna
Hardcover Sep 2024. 288 pages
Published by Riverhead Books
Danzy Senna’s novel Colored Television addresses big questions spanning the writing process and the commodification of race in art and entertainment. She talks to Sarah Dillard about these topics and others in a “PEN Ten Interview” for PEN America.
Yr Dead
by Sam Sax
Hardcover Aug 2024. 288 pages
Published by McSweeney’s Books
In conversation with Rita Bullwinkle (whose novel Headshot we also reviewed this year), Sam Sax discusses Yr Dead, a story set in the wake of the 2016 American presidential election. Touching on many widely relevant and topical subjects, this Q&A contains Sax’s thoughts on Jewish storytelling tradition, how history affects the present, and additional musings.
Long After We Are Gone: A Novel
by Terah Shelton Harris
Hardcover May 2024. 432 pages
Published by Sourcebooks Landmark
Long After We Are Gone by Terah Shelton Harris was a BookBrowse book club selection that we also reviewed for our twice-monthly e-zine. In an engaging and candid interview, Harris speaks frankly about the difficulties of writing and touches on the real-life inspiration behind the novel, which deals with Black land loss in America.